Less than 24 hours to take-off and the beginning of the Play Ukulele By Ear Australian Workshop Tour.
I recently came across an old
sea shanty via my friend
Kate Power that expresses the international traveling sentiment perfectly. And, it’s my one of my favorite types of song, only two chords.
Cape Cod Girls
Cape Cod girls ain’t got no combs
Haul away, haul away
They brush their hair with codfish bones
And we’re bound away for Australia
So heave away, me bully, bully boys
Haul away, haul away
Heave her up and don’t you make a noise
And we’re bound away for Australia
Cape Cod kids ain’t got no sled
Haul away, haul away
They slide down hills on codfish heads
And we’re bound away for Australia
Cape Cod girls ain’t got no frills
They tie their hair with codfish gills
And we’re bound away for Australia
Cape Cod cats ain’t got no tails
They lost them all in the northeast gales
And we’re bound away for Australia
And here’s a real Australian version.