This week on the Weekly Interval we’ll practice the descending 3rds Exercise. We’ll start on the octave of the C Major Scale (1st string/3rd fret) and descend two tones then jump back a 3rd interval to the tone where we started. Put the sound of that first tone of the three-note group in your ears so they will remember where to return. Singing the solfege syllables will also help your ears remember the pattern. Above all, practice the exercise slowly, getting the sounds in your head and the notes under your fingers.
Solfege Syllables:
Hi JIm.
After working on Guiedo Heistek’s recent post about ear training, I am determined to do this interval training. I have just spent about 20 minutes on this first exercise. It was fun! I kept making a mistake at the same place every time. Is it my ear or my brain? I slowed way down to do it right, and now I’ve got it pretty smoothly. On to the second exercise!