This week’s guest on the Weekly Interval is the Major 2nd. This is our first major interval in our 24 week trip up and down each interval of the C Chromatic Scale. Remember to spend a week with this interval, play it in different keys, and listen for the melody to a familiar song to jump out as you practice listening to the Major 2nd. You may notice that the Major 2nd is a very even sounding interval, unlike the tension found in the interval of the minor 2nd. If you do hear the melody to a song that starts with this interval post it in the comments section.
Open 3rd string to 3rd string, 2nd fret
I always think "Doe a deer" to get a major 2nd.
Frère Jacques
You Belong to Me "See the pyramids along the Nile…"
I have spent most of the morning visiting and interacting with your website and find it fabulous. thank You