This week’s guest on the Weekly Interval is the descending Major 6th. Have you noticed the lack of popular songs that begin with the intervals we’ve listened to the last few weeks? It seems about the only ones that like intervals like descending 6ths and 7ths are jazz composers. Crazy, which is thought of as a country tune, begins with the descending Major 6th, but musically the song is a jazz-pop ballad with country overtones (Wikipedia). The crazy thing about this interval is even though it’s major the Eb blue note gives it a minor quality. Play the interval on your instrument. Listen to it. Spend a week with this interval, play it in different keys, different areas of the neck and listen for the melodies of familiar songs to jump out as you practice listening to the descending Major 6th. If you do hear the melody to a song that starts with this interval other than the one listed below post it in the comments section.
Jim,The sound file is missing…