Ukulele Tutorials
The Circle of 5ths is an invaluable tool in uncovering the structure of music. The Circle not only shows you how Major and minor scales are constructed it also reveals the organic nature of all chord progressions! In the step-by-step, easy to understand lesson, you’ll learn how to use the Circle of 5ths as a musical roadmap to anything you want to play.
42-minute lesson
Again, NO TAB, NO HANDOUTS, just an organic approach to training the strumming hand to play what you hear in your head. This lesson is designed for the person who is just getting started on the uke, those who are afflicted with ISS (Incessant Strum Syndrome), and anyone who wants to spice up their strumming and improve their musicality on the instrument. Chapters include the Basic Index Finger Strum, Triplets, Flourish, Tremolo, Chunky Chop, Rhythm & Timing Exercises and and more!
Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1: Learning To Listen
52-minute lesson
Volume 1 is for anyone just getting started on the ukulele as well as anyone wanting to know the structure of music, and how to hear what’s going on in songs. It’s designed to teach you to hear what is going on in songs instead of always relying on printed music. Playing music is a whole lot more fun when you are not staring at a piece of sheet music, but instead listening to what is happening and playing along. In less than an hour, Jim will have you and your ukulele ready to drive into thousands of songs, and play them by ear! Topics include Tuning By Ear, The C Major Scale, Intervals, Chord Progressions and more. Chapters: The C Tone Tuning By Ear C: The Home Key F: The IV Chord Chord Progressions IntervalsDiatonic Chords “I am VERY impressed with this DVD. It covers how to play the way you really want to when playing for fun, without written music, just by listening. It also covers basics lacking in many how-to musical DVDs including strumming and tuning without always relying on electronic tuners. It’s fun, funny and I can play a couple of songs after two days of steady practice.” Customer
Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1 .5: Playing By The Numbers
45-minute lesson
Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1.5: Playing By The Numbers is designed for the beginning to intermediate ukulele student wanting to learn how basic song structure works using the Number System, as opposed to using letter names to identify the chords in a progression. Vol. 1.5 bridges the gap between Vol. 1: Learning to Listen which is a play-along beginning lesson and Vol. 2: Chord Progressions & The Circle of 5ths, an intermediate lesson which teaches using the Circle of 5ths to map popular chord progressions.CHAPTERS Welcome C Tuning Notes C Major Scale C Chromatic Scale Intervals Building Major Chords I-V-I Chord Progression I-V7-I Chord Progression I-IV-V7-I Chord Progression 12 Bar Blues I-vi-IV-V7-I Chord Progression I-vi-ii-V7-I Chord Progression I-V-vi-IV Chord Progression C Major Diatonic Chords Non-Diatonic Chords Circle of 5ths Close
Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 2: Chord Progressions & The Circle of 5ths DVD
55-minute lesson
Volume 2 is for the intermediate to the advanced player wanting to learn how all songs work by studying the patterns of chord progressions. Learn songs in advance by training your ears to tune by ear, hear chords, chord progressions and musical intervals. Jim will also demystify the Circle of 5ths, the roadmap to the musical universe! Chapters: Tuning By Ear Tension & Resolution 5th Interval FinderThe Tri-tone Interval Circle of 5ths Perpetual 5ths Exercise Dominant 7th Chord Progressions 7th Chord Inversions Major Scale Intervals Diatonic Chords Diatonic Chord Progressions The 12 Bar Blues Jazz Chord Progression Indie Songwriter Chord Progression Learning a Song From Sheet Music Transposing “I learned more an hour from you than I have in a year trying to learn by myself. Just got done playing your DVD 2. The mystery of the circle of fifths is no more.” California Student
Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 3 Soloing with Brian Oberlin
54-minute lesson
Internationally recognized music educators Jim D’Ville and Brian Oberlin have created a systematic approach to learning the art of soloing on the ukulele. This groundbreaking fifty-four minute DVD will give you all the tools you’ll need to progress from playing a simple scale and arpeggio exercises to begin creating your own solos. The Play Ukulele By Ear series has helped thousands of ukulele players worldwide “get off the paper” and experience the fun of playing music by ear. Now the same “by ear” approach will help you learn the art of soloing.
Caravan Gogh Recordings
The debut recording by Portland, Oregon acoustic quartet Caravan Gogh. Jim D’Ville-ukulele, Gideon Freudmann-cello, Brian Oberlin-Mandolin, and Calin Uhlig-bass. Sneakers, the single from the CD was featured in Sing Out magazine! Purchase from iTunes or CD Baby.