Do you have an inquiring mind? Like to know how things fit together? Would you like a general understanding of how music works? The Natural Way To Music; An Organic Approach To Understanding Music is a 56-page book written by myself and banjo legend Bill Keith.
Using layman’s terms, the book answers many questions beginning musicians have such as what’s the difference between a Major and 7th chord? Why is a Perfect chord perfect? What is the Circle of 5ths? In a logical, step-by-step manner, The Natural Way To Music builds a solid foundation of musical understanding. Happy Traum of Homespun Tapes says “The Natural Way To Music brings the principles of music into clear focus for learning musicians. Jim D’Ville and Bill Keith have made this formidable subject easy, interesting and fun.”
Your Musical Instrument
The Journey
Learning To Listen
Part One
The Major Scale
The Tones, Then The Tunes
Part Two
Circle of Fifths
The Modes
The Tri-Tone
Pentatonic Scale
Chord Progressions
Minor Scales
Part Three-Appendix
Popular Scale Patterns
Index of Major Scales
Scales & Arpeggios
Solfege Songs
Holiday Tunes
A Note on Notation
Suggested Reading
Just bought it from Amazon. So, here's a question: What format does the "Play Ukulele By Ear" video download come in? Can I open it in iTunes? Can it be viewed on an iPod, Pad or Phone? Thanks
Is your book available locally in the UK at all?
Jon: I will check on those questions for you. Please send me your email so I may respond directly.J-Hob: No, only by mail. I am in the process of making it available as an e-book.
Thanks Jim, I'll look out for the e-book then. When are you planning on releasing it?