As 2013 winds down and the new year waits anxiously in the wings, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you that visit the Play Ukulele By Ear website. Thank you also to all of you that came out to the workshops, festivals, camps and ukulele groups I taught at this year. It was the most enjoyable 10,000 mile trip I’d ever been on! Thanks also to all of you that purchased a DVD or download lesson, tuning fork or Magical Circle of Fifths. And last, but surely not least, thanks to my sponsors Kala Brand Ukuleles, National Resophonic and Mya-Moe Ukuleles.
I started this website as a platform to channel my excitement about learning to play the ukulele, especially from the ear training perspective. I think the most fascinating aspect to learning to play the ukulele is the learning part! So thanks for joining me on the journey! This is my last post for the year. The regular posts, 3 Chord Club, 3 Questions Interview and 26 Basic Ukulele Lessons will return in January. In the meantime, take a mosey through the archives. There is a treasure trove of ear training, interviews and theory just waiting for you. Have a wonderful new year!