Cyber Monday is 11/26/12 and to celebrate this homage to online shopping, all three Play Ukulele By Ear downloads will be 25% off. That’s a savings of $5 per volume. Purchase all three and you’d save enough to see a first-run film next weekend! To remind you, Vol. 1 is entitled Learning To Listen, and it deals with understanding how to listen to notes and chords and attach an emotional value to them with a special concentration on hearing the I-IV-V7 chords. Vol. 2 is Chord Progressions & The Circle of 5ths. In these lessons you’ll learn to use the Circle of 5ths to track all your favorite chord progressions in western music. Vol. 3 is my newest offering. It’s calling Soloing, and with the help of my Caravan Gogh bandmate Brian Oberlin, we take you step by step through our unique approach to start you on the road to soloing. Don’t miss out on these $15 downloads. Order by clicking on the Tools For Learning link to the right.
Here are just a few customer comments concerning the Play Ukulele By Ear lesson series:
Vol. 1: “Your video taught me more, and so gave me more enjoyment in an hour than six months of professional lessons.” UK
Vol. 2: “I`m very impressed. I`ve known a lot of this stuff before (somehow, theoretically…), but you put it all in the right place and showed how to use it.” Germany
Vol. 3: “Once again you have taken the difficult and broken it down to simpler steps. A little practice with this video and I hope to be able to actually take it, when someone says take it.” USA
SALE EXTENDED THROUGH Tuesday, November 27, 2012