I-C Majorii-D minoriii-E minorIV-F Major V-G Major (G7) vi-A minor vii-B di
G7 |
I I’m dreaming of a IV white V7 Christmas
IV Just like the ones I V7 used to I know
Where the treetops glisten, and IV children listen
To I hear IV sleigh I bells IV in the V7 snow.
I I’m dreaming of a IV white V7 Christmas
IV With every Christmas V7 card I I write
May your days be merry and IV bright
And may I all your IV Christmas-V7-es be I white.
Now let’s spice the arrangement up by adding in some other chords.
To sweeten the song, let’s use the ii minor (D minor). Since D minor is the relative minor of F Major we can use it as a substitute it for F.
I I’m dreaming of a ii white V7 Christmas
IV Just like the ones I V7 used to I know
Where the treetops glisten, and IV children listen
To I hear IV sleigh I bells ii in the V7 snow.
I I’m dreaming of a ii white V7 Christmas
IV With every Christmas V7 card I I write
May your days be merry and IV bright
And may I all your ii Christmas-V7-es be I white.
Now let’s add the I7 and iv minor chords to the arrangement.
C7 |
I I’m dreaming of a ii white V7 Christmas
IV Just like the ones I V7 used to I know
ii Where V7 the I treetops I7 glisten, and IV children iv listen
To I hear IV sleigh I bells ii in the V7 snow.
I I’m dreaming of a ii white V7 Christmas
IV With every Christmas V7 card I I write
ii May V7 your I days be I7 merry and IV bright iv
And may I all your ii Christmas-V7-es be I white.
Finally, let’s add in a few other chords not found in the in the CMajor Scale,B Major (VII),F#7 (#IV7), and G Diminished (Vdim). The reason for adding these other chords is to help flesh out the melody in the song and create interest.
F#7 |
I I’m ii dream-I-ing VII of I a ii white #IV7 Christ-V7-mas
IV Just like the ones I V7 used to I know
ii Where V7 the I treetops I7 glisten, and IV children iv listen
To I hear IV sleigh I bells ii in the V7 snow.
I I’m ii dream-I-ing VII of I a ii white #IV7 Christ-V7-mas
IV With every Christmas V7 card I I write
ii May V7 your I days be I7 merry and IV bright iv
And may I all Vdim your ii Christmas-V7-es be I white.
Look how quickly we ramped up from a three-chord song to a nine-chord song! Here is a finger-picking arrangement using most, if not all of these chords. Happy holidays!
Thanks so much for this really interesting lesson, Jim. Had you started with all 9 chords, I probably would have passed this by. Now, my uke and I are ready for the holiday!