Ukulele Workshops

Schedule | 2025

March/April OR/CA/AZ Tour

03/11/25 Bend Ukulele Group
Bend, OR

03/15/25 Humboldt Ukulele Group
Arcata, CA

03/22/25 Lamorinda Music
Lafayette, CA

03/29/25 McCabes Music
Santa Monica, CA

04/01/25 Aloha Strummers
Mission Viejo, CA

04/11/25 Tommy Rocks Music
Jerome, AZ

04/12/25 Concert w/Tommy Rocks
Jerome, AZ

04/19/25 Instrumental Music Center
Tucson, AZ

04/26/25 Island Bazaar
Huntington Beach, CA

04/27/25 Anacapa Ukulele
Ventura, CA

05/3/25 Don’s String Shop
Los Osos, CA

05/8/25 Ukulele Club Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA

05/17/25 The Strum Shop
Roseville, CA

Canada Tour June/July

Kamloops Summer Ukulele Festival
Sorrento, BC, Canada

Brantford Ukulele Festival
Brantford, ON, Canada




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Posted on: March 19th, 2012 by Jim D'Ville

Reno Edit

Reviews & Comments:

Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1 Review by Ukulele Tonya

The first review of the Play Ukulele By Ear DVD was written by Ukulele Tonya from Paradise, California for her blog, aptly named, Ukulele Tonya. Although I’m not the type of guy that tells you the ending to the most fabulous movie of all ime…before you’ve seen it…I will reveal the ending of Tonya’s review.

“…that’s the major impact of this DVD: You truly learn how to listen to what you’re playing. Without a song sheet in front of me, I can now “hear” where the chord changes are in dozens of two- and three-chord songs. While Doctor Uke has a list of those songs and explains how to do it in words, Jim teaches in the DVD how to listen and hear those sounds through humming and assigning a feel and sound to each type of chord.  If you’re the type of player who relies on oodles of song sheets but would like to be able to “hear” the songs without all the chords written down, this is definitely the DVD for you. Not only is it easy to digest (Jim’s a funny guy), but it’s chock-full of methods to get you out of your “head” learning and into your ears.”
Read The Full Review

Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1 Review by Al Wood of Ukulele Hunt

Ukulele Hunt is one of the top ukulele sites in the world.  Al “Woodshed” Wood hosts the site from his home in the United Kingdom.  He has written a number of excellent ukulele instruction ebooks and most recently penned Ukulele For Dummies.  You can read his review here.

Festival Director Testimonials:

“Jim D’Ville has participated in the first two Melbourne Ukulele Festivals, presenting workshops and also performing. His workshops have been very popular and we have had good feedback from participants. I feel his ‘Play by Ear’ method to be one of the best techniques in the world for helping people discover and develop their comprehension of music. Jim is a great communicator and has a wonderfully endearing personality.”
Dean W. Denham
Director Melbourne Ukulele Festival 

“Jim D’Ville has taught at the Vancouver Ukulele Festival for the last two years. His ‘playing by ear’ workshops were a real success with the attendees, and a highlight of the program both years. He is a brilliant music educator who combines passion, knowledge and humor to teach a workshop that, to quote one of the students ‘leaves you smiling and a whole lot smarter’. Jim is also an amiable chap, and very like-able on a personal level which makes him a great addition to any festival or workshop series.”
Daphne Roubini
Founder & Director of The Vancouver Ukulele Festival

“I just don’t know what we’d do without Jim D’Ville. His workshops are outstanding. His performances are engaging. His jam sessions are fun and instructive, at the same time.  His energy is boundless. His students love him. And he is always ready, at the drop of a beret, to jump in wherever he’s needed. But don’t let that seemingly frivolous exterior fool you.  Jim D’Ville knows his stuff.  His organic approach to teaching others how to play ukulele “by ear” and understand the basic foundation of all songs has changed the musical experience for countless students, from the most basic beginner to the die-hard hotshot.  And (this is where you should take note) he is passionate about what he does. His “Playing By Ear” workshops get nothing but the highest rankings, with participants claiming they learned more from Jim after one hour than after years of private lessons!
Elaine de Man
Director Wine Country Ukulele Festival
Director West Coast Ukulele Retreat

“Jim D’Ville will bring humor and the thrill of music to your event.  His musical and teaching style are engaging to our ears, our senses and our brain loving musical theories. Once you have witnessed Jim’s unique teaching style you are forever changed in how you hear the music of life from a three chord perspective and play your musical instrument by ear. Jim shares his passion 110% for music with humor and compassion that is appreciated by all levels of students and musicians.”
Melany Berry
Director Tunes In The Dunes

Recent Student Testimonials:

“This event was fantastic! It was a lot of fun and very, very instructive. I don’t think I can quite estimate yet how much I learned since I am still processing everything. Jim D’Ville has great presence and really knows his way around the ukulele. It was a fun and lively afternoon. Just great!”

“Your workshop at High Strung was just what I was looking for–I am so ready to get rid of this huge load of tab everyone keeps handing me and just play my uke! It was fun & I went home with some great new skills–thanks!”
North Carolina

“I was at Tunes in the Dunes but didn’t take your workshop. When I got home I ordered Play Ukulele By Ear Vol. 1. It blew my mind! I learned SO MUCH from that DVD. Thank you, thank you.  I’m rearing to go for Vol. II.”

“The workshop was amazing. I am a lifelong amateur musician with a degree in music history. Jim’s framing of playing the uke was brilliant.”

“Fabulously informative and entertaining workshop!”

“This was an awesome workshop. Jim has a very different way of teaching, and for us old timers that can’t memorize anymore, it was a new way of thinking about how to learn.”

“I have to say your workshop was the most difficult to shoot. I was trying to concentrate but was constantly distracted by the very entertaining and informative content of your workshop!”
Melbourne Ukulele Festival Photographer Australia

“I’m a music minor in college, and I went through music theory classes, but I just never thought about music like that!”

“I am so impressed by your ease of transmission of these musically life changing insights!”

“Totally enlightening and inspiring AAAAAAA!”

“Anybody who can give an hour long ukulele lesson to over forty ten and eleven-year-olds is some kind of uke guru.”
New York

“I will be recommending your DVD to others.”

“The first dvd is fantastic. You are a great teacher…. make it very easy.”

“I took your finger picking workshop at Asilomar and you were great!”

“Can I just say thanks from an old’un rookie strummer in the UK. Your DVD taught me more, and so gave me more enjoyment, in an hour than 6 months teaching trying to master the uke. I paid a lot for ‘pro’ music teachers who confused me and took the joy out of my learning experience. It just became a chore.”
United Kingdom

“I learned more in hour from you than I have in a year trying to learn by myself. Just got done playing your DVD 2. The mystery of the circle of fifths is no more.”

“I just finished watching, rewinding, and watching some more, of your ‘Play Ukulele by Ear 2’. Amazing what you can learn. I found several songs I’ve been wanting to learn, and didn’t know I already knew them! It’s great DVD. Thanks!

“You are the Rosetta Stone of the ukulele world!”

Ukulele Tutorials

Playing By Ear

Play Ukulele By Ear 1
Vol. 1 DVD or Download
more info

Play Ukulele By Ear 1.5
Playing By The Numbers
Download Only
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Play Ukulele By Ear 2
Download Only
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Play Ukulele By Ear 3 Download Only
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