Connect The Chords:
Descending Into Easy
When one visits Winslow, Arizona the question everyone wants answered is “Did you stand on the corner?” Why yes, I did, and it got me thinking about what type of chord progression makes a person want to Take It Easy a la the Eagles timeless folk-rock classic. The way I internalize the chord progression to a song is first convert the letter names of the chords to numbers. The numbers make it easier for me to hear if the chords are going up or down. Next, I make note of what chords are used to convey the feelings expressed by the lyrics. This gives me the over-all feeling of the song’s chord progression and I no longer need a piece of paper in front of me. So let’s examine how Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey constructed this easy-going classic.
Key of F
F Major Scale/Numbers: F/I G/ii A/iii Bb/IV C/V D/vi E/vii
(large numbers are Major chords, small numbers are minor chords)
INTRO: I-IV-V7sus4 2x
The verses are a simple I-V-IV progression. The “easy” feel is a result of descending from the V to the relaxing VI then returning home to where we started.
I Well, I’m a runnin’ down the road, tryin’ to loosen my load,
I I’ve got seven women V on my IV mind.
I Four that wanna own me, V two that wanna stone me, IV one says she’s a friend of I mine.
The chorus eases into a vi minor then descends to the relaxing IV and back home to the I.
I Take it vi easy, take it IV ea-I sy,
A word of advice comes with a ii-IV-vi minor based progression.
Don’t let the ii sound of your own IV wheels drive you vi crazy.
The perfect chord progression to tell someone to lighten up is the IV-I (best to do it twice so they get the hint).
vi Lighten IV up while you still I can, don’t even IV try to under-I stand,
Just find a ii place to make your IV stand and take it I easy.
Now, try to internalize the progression by playing through it listening for the changes.
Verse 2:
I-V-IV-I 2x
Well, I’m a standin’ on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see,
It’s a girl, my Lord, in a flat bed Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me.
Come on, ba-by, don’t say may-be.
ii- IV-vi
I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me.
IV-I 2x
We may lose and we may win though we will never be here again.
ii- IV-I
So open up, I’m climbin’ in, so take it easy.
Verse 3:
Now try playing through the last part of the song without looking at the numbers.
Well, I’m a runnin’ down the road, tryin’ to loosen my load got a world of trouble on my mind.
Lookin’ for a lover who won’t blow my cover, she’s so hard to find.
Take it easy, take it ea-sy, don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy.
Come on, ba-by, don’t say may-be.
I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me.
I-I9-IV 2x End on vi
Oh, we got it ea-sy, we oughta take it ea-sy..
This song is used for educational purposes only.